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Projects for AY 2023-24

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Highlights of Fellowship Projects 2023-24

Electrify the Farm

Stanford Doerr School of Sustainability & LBRE

Electrify the Farm

This project seeks to enhance sustainability performance and reduce carbon emissions within the agricultural operations of the farm. The project entails an in-depth energy audit to assess current energy consumption patterns and forecast future energy needs, and includes considerations for deployment of electric primary cultivating tractors, electric vehicle charging stations, welder/shop tools, and supplementary electric landscaping equipment. The endeavor will also involve an examination of financial incentives, notably the California Air Resources Board FARMER Program, to facilitate the transition to electric tractors. Additionally, the project will evaluate the feasibility and associated costs of integrating solar panels onto the barn's rooftop, thereby leveraging renewable energy sources, as well as a comparative analysis of the economic and ecological advantages of integrating barn-mounted solar panels with the electric grid versus employing on-farm battery storage.

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Carbon Accounting and Sequestration on Stanford's Natural Lands


Carbon Accounting & Sequestration on Stanford’s Natural Lands

This project encompasses a comprehensive research and benchmarking effort, with a focus on evaluating carbon accounting methodologies employed by peer institutions across the nation, particularly those managing extensive natural areas.  Review and summary of nature-based carbon accounting may also draw upon local municipalities and counties engaged in carbon accounting initiatives. Additionally, the project entails the utilization of ArcGIS tools for in-depth analysis of Stanford's natural lands, involving the examination of aerial images and plant community maps. Through this analysis, the project aims to calculate the total area covered by various plant community types and leverage existing literature estimates of average above ground carbon stored within each type. This data will be instrumental in estimating the overall carbon content within each plant community and the cumulative carbon storage across Stanford's property. 

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Enhancements of Stanford's EV Readiness

LUEP & Transportation

Enhancement of Stanford’s EV Readiness

The EV Readiness Fellow will undertake comprehensive research and data analysis to formulate an encompassing EV charging proposal and draft master plan for Stanford University. This initiative aims to establish a systematic framework and strategic approach for the augmentation of Stanford's EV charging infrastructure. Leveraging existing data repositories, projections of future expansion, upcoming technological advancements, and projected demand, the fellow will synthesize a comprehensive roadmap to bolster the university's electric vehicle charging capabilities, ensuring alignment with sustainable transportation objectives.

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Preparing for Prescribed Burns at Jasper Ridge Biological Preserve

Jasper Ridge Biological Preserve

Preparing for Prescribed Burns at Jasper Ridge Biological Preserve

This project explores perceptions and barriers related to prescribed burns and other fuels management techniques (e.g., planned herbivory) at Jasper Ridge Biological Preserve and work toward aligning stakeholders (Stanford, community, fire agencies) in understanding the benefits of prescribed burns and herbivory, including considering such techniques in future Stanford wildfire management plans. The fellow will ultimately produce a final report or, as conditions allow, draft burn plan for JRBP that details a plan for vegetation management. 

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Going Zero Waste with Campus-Based Elementary and Pre-Schools

Zero Waste Team, WorkLife Office, & Local Schools

Going Zero Waste with Campus-Based Elementary & Preschools

The fellow will work with Stanford's two public elementary schools and six preschool locations on the campus to reduce the waste the schools generate, increase diversion, and decrease contamination as an important step toward achieving Stanford's Zero Waste by 2030 goal. The fellow will explore, design, and pilot strategies tailored to preschool and elementary-aged children while engaging and building support for zero waste programming among elementary and pre-school stakeholders.

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Complete List of Projects for 2023-24

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