Waste Awards
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Stanford has competed in the Campus Race for Zero Waste and regularly performs well.
- Outstanding Waste Prevention, California Resource Recovery Association (CRRA) (2023)
- First Place, Per Capita Category (Large Campus), Campus Race to Zero Waste (2022)
- Environmental Impact Achievement Award, RightCycle by Kimberly Clark (2021)
- First Place, Per Capita Category (Large Campus), Campus Race to Zero Waste (2021)
- First Place, Food Organics Category, Campus Race to Zero Waste (formerly RecycleMania) (2020)
- Outstanding School Recycling Program Award, California Resource Recovery Association (2019)
- Honorable Mention, Education/Awareness Campaign category for the 2017 RecycleMania Case Study Competition (2017)
- College/University Recycling Award, American Forest and Paper Association (2009)
- Environmental Achievement Award, for the Environmental Health and Safety battery recycling and mercury thermometer replacement program, Environmental Protection Agency (2002)
- Outstanding School Program Award, National Recycling Coalition (2002)